/index/my way

Last updated: 12.05.2k6

....... so, this must be me now *snip* after at least 4 million years of evolution.

my way, up to now

I am Christian Gintenreiter aka CGint currently living in Linz (UpperAustria).
My birth happened on 30. March 1977 11:45pm :) in Steyr


Currently I work as software-engineer for companies in linz and salzburg. I am about to finish my ComputerScience-study at the KeplerUniversity [more to see at the study way]

Down there you can see a picture of me taken while I was on holiday (Greece'98)

contact information

Christian Gintenreiter
4020 Linz
eMail:        gintenreiter@gewerbeWeb.com
ICQ:          9278897
skype:        cgintskype