/index/my way/scan way/Amiland2001_3

Last updated: 22.09.2k1


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'Buckingham Fountain' known from Al Bundy :)
You can see Hancock Center at the right

'Buckingham Fountain' known from Al Bundy :)

Skyskraper at the 'Magnificant Mile'

'Seventeenth Chirch Of Christ Scientist
Don't know what it is - looks funny

Sear Tower - ParkView

Another view of the 'Buckingham Fountain'

A view from within Hancock Center (96th floor)
Directed to Navy Pear

Nive place at the Chicago River
Streets are above you

Skyline and Lake Michgan

Front line of CHicago downtown

Now this IS a skyscraper (Sears Tower)

Skyline and Lake Michgan (Hangcock Center)